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Music Pack [0.23] Pokémon 3D GB Sounds Music Pack

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Bug Catcher
The Pokémon 3D GB Sounds Music Pack is a music pack (go figure) that replaces all the current in-game music with:
  • The original music from the Gold/Silver games
  • Extended versions to eliminate fade looping* and harsh looping**
  • High quality replacements for G/S songs already in the game.
For a complete change list click the spoiler below
  • barktown (New Bark Town Theme): Upped quality, extended from 1:26 to 5:35, removed fade loop
  • battle_intro (Wild Pokémon Battle Intro): Replaced with version from G/S
  • center (Pokémon Center Theme): Replaced with version from G/S, extended from 0:58 to 2:01
  • cherrygrove (Cherrygrove City and Mahogany Town Theme): Upped quality, extended from 0:54 to 5:20, removed fade loop
  • dark_cave (Dark Cave and Ice Path Theme): Replaced with version from G/S, extended from 2:33 to 10:43, removed fade loop
  • elmslab (Pokémon Lab Theme): Upped quality, extended from 1:20 to 5:29, removed fade loop
  • gym (Pokémon Gym Theme): Replaced with version from G/S, extended from 1:10 to 5:15
  • johto_rival (Rival Battle Theme): Removed unintended sound effect from recording (the ding it makes when it introduces him), extended from 1:46 to 10:40
  • johto_rival_encounter (Rival Challenge Theme): Extended from 0:44 to 1:06, improved looping
  • johto_rivalintro (Rival Battle Intro): Upped quality
  • johto_trainer (Trainer Battle Theme 1): Removed unintended sound effect from recording (the ding it makes when it introduces the trainer), extended from 3:02 to 11:03, removed fade loop
  • johto_wild (Wild Pokémon Battle Theme): Replaced with version from G/S, Removed unintended sound effect from recording the original (the cry of the wild pokémon in the battle), extended from 1:25 to 5:00, removed fade loop
  • lavender (Lavender Town Theme): Replaced with theme from G/S (in place of the Red/Blue theme), extended from 1:45 to 5:27, removed fade loop
  • RouteMusic0 (Route 29 Theme): Upped quality, extended from 0:41 to 3:05, improved loop
  • RouteMusic1 (Route 30 and Route 33 Theme): Upped quality, extended from 1:03 to 3:24, removed fade loop
  • show_me_around (Cherrygrove Tour Theme): Replaced with version from G/S, extended from 0:47 to 5:12
  • sprout_tower (Sprout Tower Theme): Replaced with version from G/S, extended from 0:43 to 3:19
  • title (Pokémon Gold and Silver Title Screen Theme): Upped quality, removed pop at the end to make for a seamless replay
  • trainer_encounter (Trainer Challenge Theme 1): Upped quality, extended from 0:10 to 1:02
  • violet (Violet City and Olivine City Theme): Upped quality, extended from 1:58 to 5:04, removed fade loop
  • wild_defeat (Wild Pokémon Defeated): Upped quality, extended from 0:26 to 1:04
  • johto_trainer_intro (Trainer Battle Intro): Improved transition into johto_trainer
  • johto_leader_intro (Gym Leader Battle Intro): Upped quality
  • johto_leader (Gym Leader Battle): Removed unintended sound effect from recording (the ding it makes when it introduces the gym leader), extended from 1:10 to 10:54, improved loop
  • leader_defeat (Gym Leader Defeated Theme): Added the starting bit, extended from 0:34 to 1:47
  • trainer_defeat (Trainer Defeated Theme): Added the starting bit, extended from 0:12 to 1:00
Recently Changed:
  • azalea (Azalea Town and Blackthorn City Theme): Upped quality, extended from 0:52 to 5:38
  • IlexForest (Ilex Forest, Ruins of Alph and Union Cave Theme): Upped quality, extended from 0:56 to 10:19
  • johto_rocket (Rocket Grunt Battle Theme): Upped quality highly, Removed unintended sound effect from recording the original (the ding it makes when introducing the Rocket Grunt), extended from 1:37 to 10:48
  • johto_rocket_intro (Rocket Grunt Battle Intro): Upped quality
  • RouteMusic2 (Route 46, 36, 32, 34, 35, 37, 40, and 45 Theme): Upped quality, extended from 0:40 to 3:17, improved loop

  1. Download with one of the links below
  2. Extract files anywhere
  3. Make a copy of "..†/Pokemon/Content/Songs" (never hurts to have a backup)
  4. Move the previously extracted files to "../Pokemon/Content/Songs/" and overwrite all the files.


*fade looping: At the end of certain songs, the music will fade out to replay, since most songs in Pokémon Gold and Silver have a begining then loop back to a specific point in the song, not the very begining. While this is an okay tackle at the idea, GB Sounds overcomes this by creatively stopping the songs at specific points to create a somewhat (see harsh looping) seamless loop

**harsh looping: A problem that (as of yet) can't be overcomed, harsh looping is when the sound file is played again, creating a split second silence as the file is reloaded. GB Sounds overcomes this by extending the songs to crazy lengths, ones that I hope you never hear fully in-game, and looping the song throughout the length.

†".." refers to the directory you have "Pokemon3D.exe", such as your Downloads folder, your Desktop, etc. If Pokémon 3D has been installed, there should be a folder named "Pokemon" with "Pokemon3D.exe", if not, run "Pokemon3D.exe" and click "Download latest version" and "Download"


Kolben Developer
what did you use to convert the music? a few of us tried to compile songs for maps but this is the first time i've seen modded music for this


Bug Catcher
what did you use to convert the music? a few of us tried to compile songs for maps but this is the first time i've seen modded music for this
The only files I needed to modify were the .wma files as the .xnb files only point to them, they don't contain any other data. As for making the songs, I recorded them off of VBA using a Silver ROM and the built in sound recorder. After that, I imported them into Audacity, made the edits, loops, etc. then exported straight as a .wma using the "WMA (version 2) Files (FFmpeg)" option.
As for making new music to put in the game, I don't really know, but from studying the .xnb files with a hex editor, it may be possible to do so by changing the file name in the .xnb file using a hex editor to point to a different file, saving that as a new .xnb file, and having the map data point to that file. I'll experiment with it a little and get back to you on it.


Kolben Developer
what did you use to convert the music? a few of us tried to compile songs for maps but this is the first time i've seen modded music for this
The only files I needed to modify were the .wma files as the .xnb files only point to them, they don't contain any other data. As for making the songs, I recorded them off of VBA using a Silver ROM and the built in sound recorder. After that, I imported them into Audacity, made the edits, loops, etc. then exported straight as a .wma using the "WMA (version 2) Files (FFmpeg)" option.
As for making new music to put in the game, I don't really know, but from studying the .xnb files with a hex editor, it may be possible to do so by changing the file name in the .xnb file using a hex editor to point to a different file, saving that as a new .xnb file, and having the map data point to that file. I'll experiment with it a little and get back to you on it.
oh im looking for more like 'use a wma of this format, with this setting, in xna game studio/some 3rd party xnb compiling' lol. i think i'll just ask nilllzz what format he uses, apparently his sounds are sourced from mp3 so it must just be the compile settings for it or something. interesting that it doesn't contain the data itself if its a song. i should probably just read the XNA docs :p


Bug Catcher
what did you use to convert the music? a few of us tried to compile songs for maps but this is the first time i've seen modded music for this
The only files I needed to modify were the .wma files as the .xnb files only point to them, they don't contain any other data. As for making the songs, I recorded them off of VBA using a Silver ROM and the built in sound recorder. After that, I imported them into Audacity, made the edits, loops, etc. then exported straight as a .wma using the "WMA (version 2) Files (FFmpeg)" option.
As for making new music to put in the game, I don't really know, but from studying the .xnb files with a hex editor, it may be possible to do so by changing the file name in the .xnb file using a hex editor to point to a different file, saving that as a new .xnb file, and having the map data point to that file. I'll experiment with it a little and get back to you on it.
oh im looking for more like 'use a wma of this format, with this setting, in xna game studio/some 3rd party xnb compiling' lol. i think i'll just ask nilllzz what format he uses, apparently his sounds are sourced from mp3 so it must just be the compile settings for it or something. interesting that it doesn't contain the data itself if its a song. i should probably just read the XNA docs :p
Using Audacity to import any sound, including mp3s, then export them as WMA (with FFmpeg installed) seems to work for me.
As for the .xnb testing, you can use a hex editor to point it to any .wma and it'll play it I just tried it by changing the path in barktown.xnb to point to dark_cave.wma and it plays Dark Cave's theme.
But for the map editing part of it, it doesn't look like you can point that to custom .xnb files, the music references seem to be hard-coded into the game's code, such as changing "{"MusicLoop"{str[barktown]}}" to "{"MusicLoop"{str[barktown_test]}}" doesn't work but changing it to "{"MusicLoop"{str[darkcave]}}" does.

Using Switch Sound Converter to convert an mp3 to wma also seems to work fine


Kolben Developer
Using Audacity to import any sound, including mp3s, then export them as WMA (with FFmpeg installed) seems to work for me.
As for the .xnb testing, you can use a hex editor to point it to any .wma and it'll play it I just tried it by changing the path in barktown.xnb to point to dark_cave.wma and it plays Dark Cave's theme.
But for the map editing part of it, it doesn't look like you can point that to custom .xnb files, the music references seem to be hard-coded into the game's code, such as changing "{"MusicLoop"{str[barktown]}}" to "{"MusicLoop"{str[barktown_test]}}" doesn't work but changing it to "{"MusicLoop"{str[darkcave]}}" does.

Using Switch Sound Converter to convert an mp3 to wma also seems to work fine
thats all good to know, thank you, but im specifically trying to add new tracks. being able to import new music for custom maps would be very good


Bug Catcher
Using Audacity to import any sound, including mp3s, then export them as WMA (with FFmpeg installed) seems to work for me.
As for the .xnb testing, you can use a hex editor to point it to any .wma and it'll play it I just tried it by changing the path in barktown.xnb to point to dark_cave.wma and it plays Dark Cave's theme.
But for the map editing part of it, it doesn't look like you can point that to custom .xnb files, the music references seem to be hard-coded into the game's code, such as changing "{"MusicLoop"{str[barktown]}}" to "{"MusicLoop"{str[barktown_test]}}" doesn't work but changing it to "{"MusicLoop"{str[darkcave]}}" does.

Using Switch Sound Converter to convert an mp3 to wma also seems to work fine
thats all good to know, thank you, but im specifically trying to add new tracks. being able to import new music for custom maps would be very good
Lol, I figured, but I can't find a way to yet, but I'm trying! :p


Kolben Developer
Lol, I figured, but I can't find a way to yet, but I'm trying! :p
i tried building songs in the map editor's project, no dice. songs compiler produced output like what i wanted to see but the music did not play. it is possible xna or the engine hard codes that but i'd have to ask nilllzz to be sure. last time i asked i got the impression he just dragged mp3s into the IDE and it Just Worked but the editor fork of the engine doesn't have music in it so i can't see how it works atm


Bug Catcher
Lol, I figured, but I can't find a way to yet, but I'm trying! :p
i tried building songs in the map editor's project, no dice. songs compiler produced output like what i wanted to see but the music did not play. it is possible xna or the engine hard codes that but i'd have to ask nilllzz to be sure. last time i asked i got the impression he just dragged mp3s into the IDE and it Just Worked but the editor fork of the engine doesn't have music in it so i can't see how it works atm
Running through the hex of Pokemon.exe it seems the songs are hard-coded in the games source judging on this
It's using the names of songs found in map data and not xnb files. So for right now, I don't think we can insert new tracks into the game. But I definitely think this should be a feature.


Kolben Developer
Running through the hex of Pokemon.exe it seems the songs are hard-coded in the games source judging on this
It's using the names of songs found in map data and not xnb files. So for right now, I don't think we can insert new tracks into the game. But I definitely think this should be a feature.
the 'level' class has a string called musicloop that the level loader sets when it finds a level tag, but what the engine does with that string from there is something only nilllzz knows atm


Bug Catcher
Running through the hex of Pokemon.exe it seems the songs are hard-coded in the games source judging on this
It's using the names of songs found in map data and not xnb files. So for right now, I don't think we can insert new tracks into the game. But I definitely think this should be a feature.
the 'level' class has a string called musicloop that the level loader sets when it finds a level tag, but what the engine does with that string from there is something only nilllzz knows atm
From the looks of it, it seems that the loader finds the string, looks for the reference in the code, if it finds it, the code then looks for a matching .xnb file, if not, it plays nothing.


Kolben Developer
From the looks of it, it seems that the loader finds the string, looks for the reference in the code, if it finds it, the code then looks for a matching .xnb file, if not, it plays nothing.
sounds reasonable

this engine was made from scratch by 1 guy fairly recently so some parts of the engine aren't as flexible as others, i'm sure he can overcome that. i'll mention it to him when i next talk to him. my wishlist for .20 is arbitrarily positioned floors, arbitrarily rotation for all entities, use custom music


I hope that in the future, all the songs in the game have the remixed versions exclusive to Pokemon3D, and then this pack will be here to change to the original game's music if someone wants to. That way, everyone can choose which version we want, and even mix songs if you'd want to do that too.


Bug Catcher
Updated to 0.19_1 with the following changes:

Recently Changed:

  • johto_trainer_intro (Trainer Battle Intro): Improved transition into johto_trainer
  • johto_leader_intro (Gym Leader Battle Intro): Upped quality
  • johto_leader (Gym Leader Battle): Removed unintended sound effect from recording (the ding it makes when it introduces the gym leader), extended from 1:10 to 10:54, improved loop
  • leader_defeat (Gym Leader Defeated Theme): Added the starting bit, extended from 0:34 to 1:47
  • trainer_defeat (Trainer Defeated Theme): Added the starting bit, extended from 0:12 to 1:00
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